Smriti Root's mind body clinic came into existence with a sole intention of restoring health and happiness of the individuals approaching us and thereby spreading the bliss of wellness to every nook and corner of the society. We strongly believe that optimal health comes when you balance your body, mind and soul. We focus on your physical, psychological and emotional status, lifestyle, diet, sleep habits, stress levels white diagnosing and treating you. Instead of following any generalized treatment protocols, we prepare highly individualized holistic treatment plans.
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Experience the difference at Smriti Root's Mind Body Clinic,
where we're dedicated to restoring balance and vitality to your body, mind, and soul.
Incilint sapiente illo quo praesentium officiis laudantium nostrum, ad adipisci cupiditate sit, quisquam aliquid. Officiis laudantium fuga ad voluptas aspernatur error fugiat quos facilis saepe quas fugit, beatae id quisquam.
Smriti Meditation Counselling is found to be effective in psychic conditions like anxiety, depression, fear, aggression, guilt, lack of self esteem and psychosomatic conditions like bronchial asthma, gastro intestinal disorders, headache, IBS, insomnia, hypertension, auto immune disorders etc.
Scope of Smriti Meditation Counselling is also identified in managing problems in interpersonal relationships, personality disorders, lack of concentration, lack of memory, work related stress etc.
A Smriti Meditation expert can help a person to integrate visual, auditory, kinesthetic, intellectual, behavioral and emotional dimensions of a problem thereby helping them to associate with their past experiences with creating an universal awareness.
As the person evolves into a higher state of meditation, emotional blocks are cleared and solution emerges as an insight. These insights help to heel many psychic and psychosomatic illnesses.
Smriti Meditation is carried out in a sleeper or semi sleeper position of the meditator. The Smriti Meditation specialist then interacts with the meditator through detailed narration and discussion. The person gets and expanded awareness of the environment, body postures, his or her internal environment, thoughts and emotions.
At the stage of swapna, the meditator under the guidance of the doctor, recollects and feels and experiences the deep memories and attached emotions that are burried in the deep conscious mind. This deep conscious mind has the immense potential to heal the
mind and body, find solutions to your problems. This deep conscious is free of any emotional afflictions and hence very powerful.
Once you achieve your goal, the Smriti Meditation guide guides you to the conscious mind.
Each session may take 1 to 2 hours and hence a calm place devoid of any distractions and disturbance is selected.